Device Notifications
Stay connected and informed with the Xunison X-home app, as it enables you to receive device notifications for Z-wave and Zigbee sensors. Stay in control and keep track of your smart home devices with ease and convenience.
Upon logging in to your Xunison Application, you will be automatically directed to the home gateway. To continue, select the home gateway and proceed further.
Perform a long press on a specific device to access its notification settings
Please note that it is only possible to set notifications for sensors that are compatible with Z-Wave or Zigbee protocols.
Choose the "Edit Device" option from the available menu or settings to make changes to the selected device.
The default status of the device is initially set to "Never".
To modify this, click on the "Never" option.
You can find the notification options located within this section.
Once you select "Always" as the notification setting, a notification will be configured. Remember to click on "Save Changes" to apply the new settings.
The notification settings have been successfully updated.
A message will appear on the screen stating, "The device has been saved successfully."