What Does Security Overview Represent?
The cybersecurity application on your Xunison Android TV provides your home device's security system status. It offers essential details such as the total traffic scanned, the security score, and the number of threats blocked. This valuable information keeps you informed about the overall security of your device.
Navigate to the ATV dashboard and select the Cyber Security App.
The initial tab, labeled "Overview," presents details regarding the security system of the Xunison my home device.
The display presents an overview of the overall system security status, including the following information: 1. Security system: A "checkmark" indicates that the system is up-to-date, while an "X" indicates that the system is not up-to-date. 2. Total traffic scanned: This denotes the amount of traffic scanned by the system, measured in MB or GB. 3. Security Score: The security score is rated on a scale from 0 to 5, with a higher score indicating a more up-to-date system. 4. Total threats blocked: This indicates the number of threats that have been successfully blocked by the system.
Choose the option "Security System".
A message will appear stating "Overall System Security Status", which provides the security system status of your device network.
Choose the option "Total traffic scanned". The screen will display information regarding the total traffic scanned, which in this case is 477.7 GB.
The message displayed on the screen will be "Total amount of traffic scanned by security system".
On the security overview tab, the third option is "Security Score".
The security score is represented on a scale from 0 to 5, indicating the level of security.
Choose the option "Security Score".
The screen below displays the steps to improve the security score: 1) Report malicious content to enhance security.
Follow the provided URL to submit a threat report:
https://app.archbee.com/doc/JN6yuVBSc-c6kToqCKCL3/us2Ulm18-8-jcnBPtUJyQ Select "Close" to exit from this screen.
Choose the option "Total Threats Blocked". This will display the number of threats detected by the Security system.
The message displayed on the screen will be "Counts of Threats Detected By Security System".